CSIA Foundation

(Analyst's note:  Just received this information from my friend Tony.  Some will have seen this first part in an earlier posting here on this site. The second area will be new.  Don't say we didn't warn you.  Our gov't is running head long in the wrong direction toward a world government. You will absolutely want to be aware of this information being reported below. ) 

Part I

My friend is saying:

"[...]  I have heard that the administration wanted to set up a world government to come under the United Nations - and maybe this will be the same thing.  But I have just watched this twice and really cannot believe what I am seeing and hearing.  Our administration is ready to sign off on paperwork before the end of the year that will commit us to a world government, to which we will pay taxes and offer a complete redistribution of wealth. 

Another apology for our success that some would say are the successes that have caused global warming and it has hurt more poor nations.  Many other countries have been burning coal longer than the United States and will continue even after this Global Government becomes a reality. 

All of the poor nations of the world will join, which is explained in this short video clip, because they make money out of it, and the US will be a part and the largest contributor in MORE Taxes to support it. 

You see we only have a $13T national debt now so 13 - 15 - 30 trillion what's the difference?   How many of you are aware of this?  How many of you approve of this type of apology by the United States to the world again? 

How many drugs were invented in the country that has saved the lives of millions throughout the world, i.e., polio vaccine.  How many blinded children were save by US donations.  How much foreign aid have we provided to all of these countries - don't they count for anything? 

We gave trillions over the years already.  Mostly it made many of these countries leaders wealth people.  This plan is ill thought out and corrupt as the others.  We get no say so?  No debate in Congress?  Just sign a presidential directive and whoosh it is magically done?  Please view the video and let me know your thoughts.  Am I off track or is our nation being purposely destroyed, industrially, financially, health wise, research wise, etc.?  Please let me know your feelings on this.  And please spread it around and lets get more information on this from our representatives."


Part II
Re:   Political Elite Fund Draconian Programs to "Handle" Opponents
Official Washington has quietly responded to last summer's "Town Hall" phenomenon with some disturbing new policies.
I'm not talking about Service Employees International Union thugs ("Purple Shirts") being used for "crowd control." Or liberal activists packing Town Halls with friendly audiences only. Or their switching Town Halls to one-way-only communication electronic formats.
Today's Executive Bulletin spells out very disturbing military preparations authorities are making to quash massive demonstrations -- which those running the show in Washington are apparently now anticipating on a regular basis.
A wise intelligence expert told me a long time ago: "Never accept government intentions at face value; pay attention to the capabilities it is developing to anticipate future events." Please read this bulletin carefully, because that's exactly what I am going to do right now.
Federal Government Responds To Town Hallers
As Security Threat
You may remember last summer that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other top Democrats branded Town Hall protesters as Nazis and raised concerns that violence could be imminent. Since then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has responded in kind.
As an October Washington Times story notes DHS is now sending grants to local police forces all over the country to buy military-style sonic "cannons" to "subdue unruly crowds and political protestors..."
Here's an overview of the situation:
  • A new series of DHS grants are being made to local police departments nationwide to purchase military-style "LRADS" short for Long Range Acoustical Devices which the San Diego-based LRAD maker, American Technology Corp., says are not intended to be used as "sonic weapons" but rather to "influence the behavior and gain compliance" from large crowds. In a nutshell, these devices deafen people (even if their ears are plugged) and compels them to flee in order to escape the pain.
  • These LRAD sonic devices are aimed at malcontents and have been used by the military in Iraq to disperse crowds. The Times reports that LRADs were actually carried in the early fall for possible use against "unruly behavior" at least two congressional town hall meetings -- including Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA) town hall meeting in Spring Valley, California.
What You Need to Know About the
National Ammunition Shortage
You probably know about the emerging national ammunition shortage since Barack Obama was elected president. The most commonly-offered explanation by the mainstream is that the bullet supply crunch is a consequence of the Iraqi and Afghan wars. But here's the real story:
  • The Pentagon has a complex of major ammunition-making contractors that cater only to the military. Recent Congressional documents have established these ammo-makers are not working at anywhere near full capacity.
  • The private-sector shortage of ammo to some degree reflects increased demand consistent with any Democrat in the White House. But the larger cause of the bullet shortage are millions of dollars in DHS grants to militarize local police departments across the country. Military-style SWAT units, once a rare fixture in major metropolitan areas, have become common to even small and medium-level police departments. And these departments are stocking up on bullets.
  • The increasing militarization of local police to support federal emergency "crowd-control" plans is drawing a reaction among ex-military and police officers in the form of the Oath Keepers. This group, founded in March, have pledged themselves to defend the Constitution if they are ever ordered to fire on American citizens on U.S. soil.
  • The Oath Keepers are specifically promising they will not obey any order to disarm U.S. citizens in violation of their Second Amendment rights.
The Oath Keepers movement is headed by ex-army paratrooper and Yale-educated lawyer Steward Rhodes, who says "the whole point of Oath Keepers is to stop a dictatorship from ever happening here... my focus is on the guys with the guns, because they can't do it without them."
It is impossible to know just how large the Oath Keepers movement is. But the fact that it exists at all suggests some Constitution-friendly people in law-enforcement are themselves disturbed about the militarization of local police in support of federal emergency planning.
With all these emerging threats, it's vital you take control of your situation and defend your liberties. The briefing directly below will help you do just that.
Yours in Freedom and Prosperity,
Lee Bellinger
Lee Bellinger, Publisher
Independent Living
Under the cover of the "financial crisis"
and "recession" ravaging our nation...

And using the Patriot Act, hidden provisions of Congressional bailout bills, and dozens of secret Presidential orders...
Washington leftists are about to mount a full-frontal assault
on your freedom, your assets,
and even your life.
Dear Oliver:
Hard Left ideologues have taken over the D.C. asylum -- and they are going to smash what's left of our free society to smithereens..
As the shocking, unsettling facts contained in this Special Subscriber Briefing illustrate, the newly-installed leftist super-majority has new emergency financial crisis and war powers -- combined with an ugly desire to shred anyone who stands in their way.
Right now you need a serious, workable, long-term self-defense plan if you want to avoid being one of the casualties.
Believers in liberty, privacy, and financial independence have very little time left to prepare for a very disturbing, long-term situation -- one that's going to feel as if hammers are raining from the sky.
Let me give you just one example. Senator Jim Inhofe and Congressman Brad Sherman revealed Outgoing Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson shockingly told Members of Congress during recent closed-door Capitol Hill meetings that the financial meltdown underway could become so extreme martial law may have to be imposed on the American people.
This Astonishing High-Level Prediction Got No Traction
I know, I know, it's amazing Paulson's prediction has made so little news. But that's where I come in -- few people pay attention to departing high-level U.S "muckety-mucks" the way I do. (In 20+ years of watching federal government power plays like a hawk, I've learned that departing insiders often spill the beans on things to come.)
More disturbingly, Obama's Department of Homeland security issued a bulletin to law enforcement nationwide warning them to keep a close eye on "right wing extremists" defined as individualists who, for example, exercise their 2nd Amendment rights or dare to voice opposition to the Federal Reserve or Big Government.
Let me tell you this: In all my time ferreting out these threats to our liberty, never have I seen such ominous storm clouds gathering over what's left of our freedoms.
Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom:  An Insider And you need protection — armor-plated protection -- now!

You absolutely, positively need the ALL-NEW 2009 edition of my blockbuster Special Report Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom: An Insider's Guide to Asserting your Liberties in Neo-Socialist America NOW -- before it gets on official Washington's radar screen.

Bear with me for a moment, and I will show you how to get your own copy of the brand-new 2009 Obama-era edition for FREE!
The Liberals' Secret Plan to Stay in Power for Decades
Never forget the last time Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress they were in the majority for nearly half a century. When you see how they plan to use recently-enacted emergency "war powers" and other tools to solidify their hold on power, you are not going to sleep very well at night.
For these reasons and many others, my comprehensive War on Freedom manual for liberty-loving Americans has liberals sneezing bricks. But more about that later.
For now, let me spell out some very concerning developments, and why it is so important that you stay ahead of them.
Troops in the Streets Are the Least of Our Problems
In this unprecedented and extreme situation, it is very important that you are at least three steps ahead of the neo-socialists now in power — and at minimum two long steps ahead of the general public, who are so clueless and servile it makes me just want to scream.
Forgive my bluntness, but I am so sick to death of politicians tricking and manipulating the public -– and getting away with it time and time and time again.
Millions of stubbornly-gullible Americans (70% of voters) think this new "Team Obama" is going to "fix" the economy. The voting public is so stupefied that radical Congressional leftists like Barney Frank and Henry Waxman (who are co-conspirators in hatching the terrible economic mess we are in) are actually "coming to the rescue" by holding hearings to blame "deregulation."
I don't know what tightens my gullet more. Hoping against hope the dodo-public will catch on, or watching left-wing Congressional vultures swoop in and paint themselves as "reformers" who are going to "fix" the very fiasco they and their ilk created to begin with.
Radical Socialists Coming to Power, WATCH OUT!
Virtually all levers of federal power are totally controlled by George Soros' army of vengeful leftists. These angry liberals are an ugly, vicious lot and have been frustrated by their minority status for years. Now they are in a position to settle scores — and they are in absolutely no mood to take prisoners.
Ominous signs abound. For example: Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel recently licked his chops before a Wall Street Journal forum, braying that the current financial crisis gives the new Administration "The opportunity to do things you could not do before," and then winked to leftists everywhere: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."
Another telling harbinger: An active co-conspirator in the U.S. banking system's collapse is Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac booster Rep. Barney Frank -- now Chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee.
Amidst the wreckage of the U.S. financial system that he is directly responsible for precipitating, a gleeful Frank recently said "This is the best since 1932," reflecting the left-wing consensus that the current crisis offers the best opportunity in 80 years for a federal takeover of what's left of our free-market capitalist system.
Obama's New Energy Czar Is Former
Commissioner For The Socialist International
Then we have the installation of internationalist hard-left political activist, and global warming fanatic, Carol Browner (former head of the EPA) as the Obama Administration's "energy czar." Carol Browner was recently discovered to be a commissioner in the radical left, bash-capitalism Socialist International.
Browner is among the Obama Administration's cabal of leftist, hard-ball "energy utopians" (including the new head of the House Energy Committee, Henry Waxman). Browner and her cohorts have a disturbing track-record of fanatical dedication to micromanaging how we may use energy -- from what kind of cars we may drive, to the design of the washer/dryer sets in your home.
Get to know the phrase "carbon footprint" well. This is the battle-cry of liberal micromanagers who want to impose a Puritanical reign of total control over how you may live your life --- from what you can buy to how you may travel.
The Left Telegraphs Its Intentions:
Destroy All Opponents Now
Independent voters who bought into the "Obama-is-a-centrist" myth are whistling past the graveyard! It's already happening: Angry leftists are testing their new powers to "identify, demonize, and destroy" enemies, critics, opponents and even productive people just trying to protect their life savings.
It has not made much news, for example, but Former Vice President Dick Cheney (with whom the wigged-out left are obsessed) just got zinged with a trumped up indictment.
Of course Dick Cheney is a wealthy, well-connected, well-represented Washington insider with many defenders. So in the end, he may be fine. My point is the left isn't afraid of trying to destroy Dick Cheney, much less use a bazooka to kill someone they regard as a fly. (Remember the left's no-holds-barred Jihad of destruction against Joe the Plumber! I'll get back to his story in a moment.)
And aggressive Congressional Committee Chairmen, led by California's Henry Waxman, put the entire Republican establishment on notice they are going to come under full investigation now that the Obama Administration controls the Justice Department.
The vindictive assault against Dick Cheney and other top Republicans aside, what about the rest of us who believe in freedom and self-reliance? I say this because we (meaning independent-thinking individualists) could be next.
The War on Freedom is On, Big-Time
So what it boils down to is this: Are you positioned to survive and prosper in an era in which there is no such thing as "innocent bystanders"? If not, then you got this email just in time!
Neo-Socialists Are Coming to Power in America:
You Need to Be Ready!
My worst fears have been realized: Permanent and sweeping new powers the government has given itself to peer into and ruin private lives are now about to be handed over to radical leftists with a take-no-prisoners mentality.
Take the case of Joe the Plumber, a struggling Ohio small businessman who dared to ask candidate Obama how he intends to pay for all his big government spending (especially when the country's finances are already in tatters). The radical left went to war against this ordinary citizen because the normally-tightly-controlled Obama spin machine suffered a rare lapse, in which Obama admitted he intends to "spread the wealth."
Ohio state government operatives ransacked all records looking for dirt on Joe the Plumber and "leaked" it to the media, who used it in an attempt to destroy this private citizen -- a man whose only real crime was doing the media's job by daring to challenge Obama with a real question.
This sort of abuse of power will become increasingly common. In fact, under the terms of the USA Patriot Act the federal government (and apparently now state governments, too) no longer need anything resembling due process in order to dig up any and all private records on anyone they choose to destroy.
It's worth pointing out the left's vicious, all-out assault against Joe the Plumber happened even before Barack Hussein Obama got elected (meaning these people were still on their "best" behavior)!
"Mainstream" Democrat Admits He Plans to Steal What's Yours
Another example of rising governmental extremism is a telling quote by leading Democrat Rep. James Moran of Virginia. Shortly before the election, this supposedly "moderate" Democrat candidly told his best supporters at a campaign stop what he and his liberal cohorts really think about property rights:
"In the last several years, we have had the highest corporate profit ever in American history... But it hasn't been shared. And that's the problem. Because we have been guided by a Republican Administration who believes in the simplistic notion that people who have wealth are entitled to keep it. And they have an antipathy toward the means of redistributing wealth. They may be able to sustain that for awhile, but it doesn't work in the long-run..."
Tellingly, no one in the Democrat party has disavowed Moran's call for seizing the wealth of private citizens. Not the media, not any genuine centrists that may still remain in his own party, and certainly not the incoming Obama Administration.
Beware Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Agenda
to Legislate Using Foreign Treaties
And I can hardly believe the media's silence over the truly devious globalist utopian role the United Nations is going to play in shaping U.S. laws on everything from gun ownership, to tax "harmonization," to stopping capital flight, to eroding property rights and extinguishing private domestic energy production -- especially now that Hillary Clinton is being installed as Secretary of State.
This is a crucial section of my brand new 2009 edition of The War on Freedom. Remember, one of the big agenda items of the past Clinton Administration was to "harmonize" U.S. banking, gun control, investing, and private property rights with those of the socialist countries of the European Union.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's globalist agenda includes an open border with Mexico, a new hemispheric currency (the "Amero"), and the coordinated international prosecution of Americans (or anyone else) who try to move too much of their wealth abroad.
When you see all the groundwork her husband Bill Clinton has done to foist internationalist rules, regulations, and alien values on U.S. businesses, your first instinct may be to flee to another country.
There Isn't a Moment to Waste on Niceties -- Here's Why
The War on Freedom has entered a new phase, and there are only two basic categories America's remaining freedom-loving people fall into: The prepared and the unprepared (or, in my own politically incorrect reckoning: the clueless versus those who are fully-informed and ready for anything).
As one of my old professors at Hillsdale College recently observed, decades of federal meddling and leftist control of public education has left America with an acute shortage of voters who ask hard, critical questions of the political class.
There are quite simply not enough "situationally-aware" people left to hold back the avalanche of totally-failed socialistic schemes now being offered up to the gullible public as "change" and "hope".
Therefore survival, not drawing attention to ourselves, and keeping what belongs to us must become our first priority.
More to the politically-incorrect point, there is no longer a large enough pool of productive, self-reliant people left to fund all the crazy plans to expand our already bankrupt government -- especially enough to create 2.5 million make-work federal jobs as the incoming Obama Administration wants.
So what we must be prepared to cope with is a broke, ambitious, neo-socialist government -- packed with hard-core vengeful leftists who have new powers to "destroy opponents at any cost." For believers in limited government, this rising era of arbitrary bureaucratic decree is going to feel as though the sky is raining hammers!
A Clintonian "Destroy-critics-at-any-cost" Era Looms
Attacking enemies with new war powers. Ripping your privacy apart. Regulating speech. Taking aim at workers' right to a secret ballot. Snooping into your personal business.
The Federal Reserve Board's secret program to save the federal government from its insolvency crisis by wrecking the value of the dollar. New Congressional hearings on how the government plans to nationalize 401(k)s and IRAs. Obama's universal healthcare mandate and the destruction of private medicine. Tax hikes on capital gains and dividends, environmental decrees, racial reparations, and capital controls.
Incentivizing your neighbors to report you to the IRS. Empowering frivolous lawsuits. Seizing wealth through debt, inflation, and other confiscatory tricks. Crushing critics. Stifling dissent. Punishing enemies.
These are the dangers that face us all.
Why You Need Washington's Most Despised Book Right Now
My 2009 special Obama-Era edition of the Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom is the Washington establishment's most-feared book — a mega-manual for freedom-loving Americans designed to give you the tools to fight back. This ALL-NEW work gives you smart, savvy, workable, freedom-protecting strategies to keep you safe -- no matter what they're doing in Washington.
This mega-manual has practical hard information that goes far beyond complaining. Instead, the 2009 War on Freedom manual is geared around easy-to-implement, totally doable strategies that will make a real difference in your life.
I want your family to have its own copy to pass around. I ultimately want its information to find its way into the lives and preparations of millions of Americans like you and me who don't like what they see in Washington.
At the end of this letter I will tell you how to get Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom FREE!
    Free Bonus Report #1:
10 Nightmare Anti-Investor Laws Congress Wants to Spring on You
    Free Bonus Report #2:
15 Steps Forward-Thinking Investors Can Take Right Now To Weather the Government's Coming Solvency Crisis

You Need My Very Best, Cutting-Edge Research
on Threats to Your Freedom
The 2009 War on Freedom mega-manual contains my best-of-the-best research. An "all-nuggets," totally comprehensive treasure trove of essential information you absolutely won't find anywhere else. My War on Freedom manual tells it the way things really are and, more importantly, practical information on what you can do to hedge your bets and defend yourself from the coming onslaught.
You Need This Prudent Insurance Policy Now With
Updated Information You Won't Find Anywhere Else
The limited-edition/distribution Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom shows you how to quietly reassert your liberties without joining some nutty militia, becoming a member of a fringe radical group, marginalizing yourself to pointless carping, or otherwise dropping out of society.
That's why I set out to create a comprehensive "how-to" briefing book on surviving the Obama Era of Rising Socialism -- i.e. ways to avoid intrusive new government powers without breaking the law or doing anything that would draw official attention.
Are You At Risk?
Learn What to Do... And Not to Do
Quite frankly, many well-meaning people who dare to stand up for their liberty without the insider information contained in this thoroughly researched manual are at severe risk of getting themselves identified and targeted as a "trouble-maker," a "person of interest," or even a subversive.
The hard reality is the vast majority of Americans are clueless as to their peril, and will never have the opportunity to learn about the new power structure emerging in this country or how to reclaim their evaporating freedoms.
The information contained in this manual is so explicit about the secret new powers of government that IRS bureaucrats, Treasury Department officials, and U.N. globalists would positively GAG if they read even a chapter (not that it would bother me much).
Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom gives you the complete updated picture of what is going on behind the scenes in Washington to create a high-tech police state capable of monitoring and controlling the citizenship of the United States in ways that would have been almost unimaginable 10 years ago.
Consider just a few of the eyebrow-raising threats meticulously detailed in my comprehensive War on Freedom manual:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's top secret mission: Revive the planned construction of a new, 4 football field-wide International super freeway linking Mexico, the U.S., and Canada.
Exposed! The cabal of hard-left fanatics and how they plan to completely remake America into a "green" society. Out the window goes many of the freedoms that all of us have taken for granted.
Forbidden knowledge: How much of the legal groundwork has been laid to deprive us of our most basic rights, including those guaranteed by the Constitution -- and what YOU can do to protect yourself.
Clintonian land-grabs are coming back! Learn how some local activists have beaten back an unratified U.N. Convention that has allowed the world body to gain control of huge tracts of U.S. territory -- kicking out hunters, snowmobilers, campers, in fact, almost everyone.
The shocking truth about the United Nations' designs on America, especially as seen in the Obama/Hillary-backed "Charter for Global Democracy" -- a chilling blueprint for undermining the power of elected state legislatures and local governments in the United States.
Bureaucrats are rejoicing at the prospect of neo-socialists coming to power in the United States of America. Here's ALL you need to know about the revised version of "CAPPS II," the new internal passport system being created for the United States. Once in operation, you will have to have permission to travel by bus, train, rental car, or by air.
They are back in vogue, big-time: The very latest on the Council on Foreign Relations, and how this elitist group continues to pull strings from behind the curtain of our elected representatives.
Learn about this before you see it in the headlines: The dismantling of America -- an astonishing law that allows Mexicans who've recently become U.S. citizens to ALSO be seated in the Mexican Congress, and what you can do to change the law.
These Assaults on Liberty Threaten All Our Freedoms
Protect your kids! The radical "CEDAW" treaty being championed by U.S. feminists and (now Secretary of State) Hillary Clinton, which includes major revisions to U.S. schoolbooks and "gender-adjusted" wage standards.
Obama has reassured gun owners not to worry about his Administration. Here's why you should be alarmed and why all gun owners really should be on alert against a new global directive concocted by the "U.N. Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice."
Where you can get FREE legal assistance if you are ever abused by a bureaucrat. When they come after you it's vital you know you're not alone. This feature of my War on Freedom manual is worth thousands of dollars in avoided legal fees all by itself!
How United Nations bureaucrats conspire with federal employees to circumvent state laws protecting gun owners and property owners, and how to fight back.
What the liberal media does NOT tell you about illegal aliens, and how they are being deployed to strike at U.S. targets.
How casinos must now report "suspicious" gambling patterns to the IRS.
How to determine if your accountant is being "debriefed" by the IRS, and how to protect yourself.
The powerful new, multi-billion dollar emerging anti-privacy, anti-freedom lobby that has quietly sprung up to serve the Department of Homeland Security.
All about "RISSNET," a federal pilot program offered by the FBI to local police departments. One of its apparent functions is to identify and catalogue the political beliefs of law-abiding Americans.
Avoid asset forfeiture and emergency confiscation edicts by NOT having these items in your home.
What You Don't Know Can Definitely Hurt You
OBAMA ALERT! What you need to know about Executive Order 11921, information no longer available to the public, either through the Government Printing Office or in libraries.
Communist Cuba meets U.S. classrooms! How schoolchildren are being turned into informants and what YOU can do to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Needed now more than ever: Key Freedom Tool -- A detailed listing of privacy-monitoring groups that pay attention to new surveillance powers being amassed by the federal government.
How to legally shut down an IRS audit -– cold.
Emergency medical plans by the federal government to detain millions of Americans in quarantine centers, and how to avoid the dragnet!
Scary new stuff! The hidden hand of government -– shocking new executive orders that can instantly deprive you of your liberty and property.
You may have seen the news about the more than 20,000 U.S. troops directed to police on U.S. soil in violation of the long-standing Posse Comitatus Act. This is just the beginning! Here's how the U.S. military has set up mock U.S. towns to "perfect" their ability to impose martial law on civilian population centers.
ALERT! How private delivery services such as Federal Express and UPS ignore your rights when federal agencies want to inspect your overnight package.
Why the growing home schooling movement has emerged as a major threat to government-run education centers (i.e. public schools) and how the feds are likely to try to crush it.
The Media Will Never Reveal These Dangers
Exposed: How the U.S. Army War College now labels Bible-believing religious groups as "likely terrorists."
Astonishing "insider plays" by European Union bureaucrats to raise U.S. tax rates by global fiat -- and how their liberal allies in the new Congress are salivating to help.
The brutal inside skinny on why you should avoid getting a credit card issued by a foreign bank.
The establishment-created "Continuity in Government" commission -- a little-noticed blueprint for martial law most members of Congress DON'T even know about.
How credit reporting agencies take false information about you so that banks can charge you thousands more dollars in interest... and what you can do to stop it COLD!
What you need to know about government surveillance of private telephone calls and recent financial "bailout" legislation that greatly expands IRS sting operations.
It drives bureaucrats crazy, but it's still legal to encrypt your emails -- here's how!
How the FBI gets letters out of sealed envelopes without ever breaking the seal -- is YOUR mail being secretly read before it arrives in your mailbox?
Great Dangers Ahead for Liberty-Loving Americans
Why you should NEVER store gold bullion in a safe deposit box as an individual. Ignore this at your own risk!
The very latest on model medical emergency legislation that is being considered by many state legislatures -- giving bureaucrats a blank check to detain you for "quarantine," or confiscate your property at will!
Important taxpayer rights carefully hidden in the 18,000-page federal tax code and why the IRS has refused to distribute this information, despite repeated directives from Congress! Vital information you need!
The money-tracking law that your banker can't tell you about... because if they warn you, they face a 5+ year jail sentence and half-million dollar fines!
How to ensure access to quality medical care even if a bio-terror catastrophe strikes. The catch: You must prepare now.
New "loopholes" by which Congress has effectively removed your 4th Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure.
The very latest on globalist ownership of the national news media in the United States and how this cabal of powerful elitists is conditioning Americans for servitude.
Globalist plans to tax oil and mineral resources in international waters... killed during the Reagan Administration -- but alive and well again now.
5 key things you need to know about new government "search and seizure" powers.
Newly updated: Key executive orders now in place for future "national emergencies..." and how they are likely to be triggered.

All this and MUCH, MUCH more in the 2009 edition of Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom. It's all must-read stuff -- you have my promise!
Here's How to Get This Information I've Reserved For You
Absolutely FREE
When I designed the 2009 War on Freedom manual it was not to "save the world." It's been clear for awhile the remaining pool of independent-minded people in America need a savvy, ahead-of-the-curve plan for surviving and prospering in the stormy times ahead.
In fairness, you should also know there is a downside to your obtaining a copy of the War on Freedom. Its contents are controversial, and I recommend against discussing its information and practical recommendations with casual acquaintances.
When the "you-know-what" hits the fan, millions of people will be caught flat-footed. When that happens, you will be glad you did not advertise the fact that you are among a select few who were planning and thinking far ahead of the curve.
Also, given the sensitive nature of the information I want to share with you, Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom will NEVER be offered through conventional publishing channels. (Obviously, most major book distributors would understandably shy away from massive distribution of something so controversial.)
Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom is designed for people like you -- savvy, right-thinking Americans who want to protect themselves without going overboard. That's why I'm willing to make you this special offer to get this manual, which I originally planned to sell for $189, for FREE.
But I have a much better offer for you, my way of thanking you for hearing me out. I will send you your own copy of the 2009 edition of the War on Freedom manual ABSOLUTELY FREE with a one-year subscription extension to Independent Living for a mere $89! PLUS WITH THIS OPTION YOU GET TWO ADDITIONAL FREE BONUS REPORTS:
    Free Bonus Report #1:
10 Nightmare Anti-Investor Laws Congress Wants to Spring on You
Free Bonus Report #2:

15 Steps Forward-Thinking Investors Can Take Right Now To Weather the Government's Coming Solvency Crisis

And, as an extra-special bonus if you order within 48 hours from the time you receive this email, I will send you an ADDITIONAL FREE REPORT, the MUST-READ: The Left's Insidious 5-Step Plan to Stay in Power for Decades. This insiders-insider report is absolutely-mandatory reading. In it I spell out the far left's long-term strategic plan to silence opposition, intimidate critics, crush free speech and impoverish independent, middle-class Americans.
If you don't want the bonus reports or the reduced rate renewal extension, no problem! I will rush you a complete copy of the 2009 War on Freedom manual for a mere $49! It's your choice.
My Iron-Clad Guarantee of Complete Satisfaction
I'm so certain you will find this mega-manual MUST-READING, it's backed by my iron-clad 100% guarantee: If you are dissatisfied for any reason with Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom, just return it within a year for a full refund.
I urge you to act quickly. The day may come when it will be too risky to publish this limited edition Secret Battle Strategies for the War on Freedom. The left is on the war-path and you need to get it right away.
  Yours in Freedom,

Lee Bellinger,
Publisher, Independent Living

P.S. MY VERY GOOD DEAL: I will send you the complete updated 2009 edition of the must-read War on Freedom manual for a mere $49.
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