CSIA Foundation

Analyst's note:  Absolutely must read and carefully consider.  This collective work does much to connect-the-dots in furtherance of our national security. The collective messages are clear and becoming ever more documented. 

The Islamic Circle of America (ICNA) claims to be "moderate," but its handbook exposes its more hard core Islamist ambitions which is the downfall of the West. "The group wants "the united Muslim Ummah [community] in a united Islamic state, governed by an elected khalifah in accordance with the laws of shari'ah."  The hand book spells out its political goals which is "the Establishment of Islam" as the sole basis of a global society and governance. This is not good people.

Faithful readers here, will not be surprised to learn that these goals are inline with the stated purposes of the Muslim Brotherhood, Jamaat-e-Islami -- and other global Islamist jihadist.   Using different methods, they all work toward the same goal which will culminate in a restoration of the Caliphate.  They preach "social justice" and "charity" but in their Islamist centers and elsewhere they teach a totally different message.  Their teachings are not inaccordance with the values of this United States and our Declaration of Independance and U.S. Constitution.

From Andrew C. McCarthy in his book "THE GRAND JIHAD How Islam and the Left Sabotage America" we have also learned that:

"In Islam, the umma is all -- it cannot be divided, depleted, or watered down;  it wants a toe-hold, then an enclave, then the whole enchilada. [....] Islamism does not participate in politics; it uses politics. And when it does, we overlook at our peril that it is doctrinally and incorrigibly anti-democratic.  For Islamist, democracy is a tool for acquiring power, not a culture of governance [....] willingness to engage in politics -- whether in democratic or authoritarian societies -- is not a concession.  It is a jihad strategy, called siyash, and it is fully consistent with sabotage. [....] our "big thinkers" deduce that if the terrorists figure the [Muslim] Brothers are soft, they obviously must be moderates -- so we can work with them."

[....] We're tunnel-focused on terrorism, concerned only about forcible damage to life, limb, and property.  As long as we're told there will be no harm, he [the Islamist] rightly figures we'll assume he means no terrorism.  If terrorism is not in the equation, we go back to sleep -- amenable to all manner of accommodation, even to sowing the seeds of our own destruction at the behest of people who tell us, flat-out that their goal is conquest.  In our suicidal disposition, "democracy" somehow requires that of us."

Why do too many of our national leaders continue to listen to the same Salafist clerics who approve suicide terrorism and preach that it is a Muslim duty to kill our soldiers (our sons and daughters) and those who support them?  This Salifist message  includes killing the supporting civilian workers to our military as well as killing the American taxpayers and American voters.  It is time we all stop listening to the seductive prompting of the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR now embedded in our federal and state governments (in some cased, even our local law enforcement) and for three generations in many of our academic institutions. 

We must stand on our own without the "tsunami of oil-backed money" from the same Saudi regime that has long backed the operations of the Muslim Brotherhood here in America.  If we (from citizens to the DoS, DoD, DoJ, HLS, and Intelligence Community, etc.) were to watch more closely we would find that the Muslim Brotherhood organizations says one thing in English and frequently something totally different to the al-Jezeera audience. 

The Islamists do not really want "participatory democracy," but rather the ultimate purpose of their jihad (often implemented as a Trojan Horse) is to implement sharia law as a part of a global Islamic state. The Islamists teachings are provides guiding principles to our enemy now and always.

After much study and experience, I have come to understand that Islam means "submission," not "peace."  I personally have come to believe that ONLY the Muslims who (1) do not support sharia law, and (2) who fully and continually demonstrate their acceptance of American constitutional principles represent the Islam that is welcomed and encouraged here in America and the West. 

All other Muslims, I refer to as "Islamist."  The religion of the Islamist is wrapped around a political ideology that ultimately wants us either dead or in total submission; the Islamist are thus unwelcome here in America.  The ideology of the Islamist is totalitarianism and implements an authoritarian political system under sharia law.  The Islamist is focused at least as much on complete domination in this world as they are about salvation in the next.  

Again I share the words of Andrew C. McCarthy as he writes in his book "THE GRAND JIHAD How Islam and the Left Sabotage America"the following:

"Defending ourselves will require flushing out the Islamists: identifying them and imposing on them the burden of defending their totalitarian ideology against the positive case for liberty and human reason.  Doing so will undeniably burden true moderate Muslims as well:  Given the prevalence of anti-Constitutional beliefs in Islam, foreign Muslims should not be permitted to reside in America unless they can demonstrate their acceptance of American constitutional principles.  But those who satisfy this burden should be welcome, encouraged, and given the space necessary to seek reform."


Some major elements of our federal government have not yet recognized the very enemy from which they are obligated to protect us.  To make matters worse, they seem content to try every method to work with them.  Again from Andrew C. McCarthy on page 376 of his book "THE GRAND JIHAD How Islam and the Left Sabotage America" we find the following.

“[….] more details are emerging about the Homeland Security Department’s high-level pow-wows with tentacles of the Muslim Brotherhood.  DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, along with her top aides, personally held two days of intensive briefing in late January 2010 for, among others, ISNA, MPAC (the Muslim Public Affairs Council), and the Muslim American Society.  The concept, imported from the United Kingdom, is to treat these anti-Western Sharia organizations as allies and devise in collaboration with them, a “two-way information-sharing” framework.  As one exasperated former U.S. intelligence officer explained to Pajamas Media: 

The “counter-radicalization” program is something that the other side created for us ….. It initially started in Britain.  The Muslim Brotherhood groups suggested it.  We went over there and got it.  We thought it was a great idea and now we’re using it.  It’s the enemy giving us a way to destroy ourselves.” 

Just so.  If you didn’t know better, you’d think Islamist had developed “a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house.” 

Why, it’s almost as if they now has a government that was helping them do it.” 

Our thanks to Family Security Matters and Steve Emerson for their work published below which does much to expose our enemy to those who will listen.

'The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is preaching a global Caliphate and Islamic Shari'a law over America to its members, according to the 2010 ICNA Member's Hand Book. This is a very different message than the group's public outreach efforts, and contradicts claims that the organization is a tolerant, mainstream Islamic group. 

As the hand book spells out, the organization's ultimate goal is "the Establishment of Islam" as the sole basis of global society and governance. It also encourages members to deceive people in its proselytizing campaign to help fulfill this goal. This aim is one that ICNA has been actively pursuing as the group has set its sights on America's constitutional separation of religion and state. 

It's not the first example of radicalism by one of America's largest Muslim organizations. ICNA's magazine has featured interviews with terrorist leaders in Pakistan, called on youth to fight abroad in Kashmir, and honored like-minded extremist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and South Asia's Jamaat-e-Islami. Concerns have also been expressed about 5 young members of the group's Virginia mosque, who were arrested and convicted on terrorism charges after attempting to link up with and fight for Pakistani terror groups in December 2009. 

As the hand book explains, ICNA doesn't just believe that religion is a private affair.  

"Establishment of the Religion" extends beyond the individual and family and into the society, state, and world. "These words [Establishment of the Religion] include not only practicing the religion in individual and collective life and propagating its true teaching to others, but also striving to make this Deen [religion] a way of life for all," the hand book reads. 

ICNA's charter is even more explicit. It calls for the "establishment of the Islamic system of life" in the world, "whether it pertains to beliefs, rituals and morals or to economic, social or political spheres." 

For ICNA, this means being the American branch of a global phenomenon that they refer to as the 'Islamic Movement.' The 2010 Hand Book notes, branches of this movement "are active in various parts of the world to achieve the same objectives. It is our obligation as Muslims to engage in the same noble cause here in North America." 

Working in an 'Islamic Movement' culminates in an Islamic super-state, the Caliphate, the hand book says. Believers have an obligation to strive to reestablish a collective body of Muslims worldwide, organized into the super-state under the direction of a Caliphate and Islamic law. The group wants "the united Muslim Ummah [community] in a united Islamic state, governed by an elected khalifah in accordance with the laws of shari'ah." 

While these ideas may have been popularized decades before by the Muslim Brotherhood and South Asian radicals in Jamaat-e-Islami, ICNA is emphasizing them today in its education and membership. 

The group also realizes that achieving its aim is a slow process and involves several stages. In a section called, "Levels of work by the Islamic Movement," ICNA lists five stages to attain a global Caliphate. The group advocates spreading its view of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, starting with the individual and family, and then implementing the "Establishment of the Religion" in the society, state, and global level. 

In the early stages, members pass through the "Tarbiyah Process," an education consisting of radical literature promoting Islam in place of Western systems at later stages in the Islamic Movement. For example, the group advocates that members read Fathi Yakin's To Be A Muslim, a book which declares that true commitment requires every Muslim to dedicate his or her life in a jihad to establish and maintain a system of Islamic governance."  

Likewise, the book pits Muslims against non-Muslims, by declaring all non-Islamic political and social systems to be contrary to Islam. As Yakin declares, "The adoption and adaptation of capitalist, socialist, communist or other manmade systems, either in whole or in part, constitutes a denial of Islam and disbelief in Allah the Lord of the worlds." 

At the "Societal Level," ICNA advocates Islamist solutions to society's problems while providing social services and proselytizing to non-Muslims. Often, this is done in a deceptive way, such as through the organization's WhyIslam branch. On one hand, the hand book openly states that "WhyIslam is a subdivision of the Dawah [proselytizing] Department" that "works to promote Islam among non-Muslims." However, the document instructs ICNA members to state a different mission by WhyIslam to non-Muslims, one that wants to "build a bridge of understanding between Muslims and Non-Muslims" and "to educate the American public with accurate information of Islam." 

In the next stage, called the "State Level," Islam gains traction in a larger segment of society" and "a good part of the society's thinking individuals join the movement. Then it may move to establish an Islamic society, obedient to Allah's commands." 

The struggle then reaches the "Global Level" with worldwide ambitions. "Wherever the Islamic movement succeeds to establish true Islamic society, they will form coalitions and alliances. This will lead to the unity of the Ummah [Muslim nation] and towards the establishment of a Khilafah [Caliphate]," the book says in the section, "Levels of work by the Islamic Movement." 

While this may seem like a farfetched concept of world domination, it is actually the same philosophy embodied by the group that ICNA admits founded it. Jamaat-e-Islami [JI], a radical South Asian group committed to the same purposes of a regional and then global Caliphate, promotes an identical message of Islamist domination of society, government, economics, and culture. ICNA maintains its connection to the group with a senior member of the JI from India, Yusuf Islahi, teaching in the organization's headquarters. Likewise, the 2010 hand book and other membership reading lists repeatedly emphasize the radical literature of JI's founder, Sayyid Abul 'Ala Maududi. 

Maududi's books, like Let Us Be Muslims, are regular features in the group's education about replacing secular governments with Islamic ones. "Briefly speaking, it would be enough to state that the real objective of Islam is to remove the lordship of man over man and to establish the kingdom of God on Earth," declares Maududi in Let Us Be Muslims. He goes on to promote destroying non-Islamic governments, stating, "the duty devolves on you that wherever you are, in whichever country you live, you must … snatch away the power of legislation and lordship from those who do not fear God and are unbridled. And then taking over the leadership and superintendence of God's servants, conduct the affairs of the government in accordance with God's laws." 

In Witness Unto Mankind, another book on ICNA's reading list, Maududi discusses how Islam will bring about the destruction of Western political and social systems. With the rise of Islamic political power, "secularism will lose all credibility and authority. Their philosophy and world-view, their economic and political ideologies, will prove fake and spurious when confronted by your truth and right conduct," he states.  

"The forces that today belong to the secular camp will, one by one, break away and join the camp of Islam. A time will, then, come when communism will live in fear of its very survival in Moscow itself, when capitalist democracy will shudder at the thought of defending itself even in Washington and New York, when materialist secularism will be unable to find a place even in the universities of London and Paris, when racialism and nationalism will not win even one devotee even among the Brahmans and Germans." 

This militancy has led countries like Bangladesh to ban all of Maududi's books and arrest leading JI members. Pakistan has followed suit, arresting other JI leaders in anti-militancy operations. India has also banned the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), the former student branch of JI in that country, for its connection to al-Qaida and domestic terrorist operations. 

ICNA's message in 2010 reinforces its long-held belief in spreading Islamist ideals, which it believes will culminate in a Caliphate. While its benevolent face preaches social justice and charity work, the goals it espouses to members tell a very different story. 

FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor Steve Emerson is an internationally recognized expert on terrorism and national security and the author of five books on these subjects, most recently "Jihad Incorporated: A Guide to Militant Islam in the US." Steve also writes for the Counterterrorism Blog."

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